Products & Services

Wünderfood works with the highest quality of Organic, Non-GMO and Gluten Free products with a special focus on quinoa and quinoa by-products.  

The ancient Incas believed quinoa to be sacred and called it “mother of all grains.” 

Quinoa is considered a superfood!  A complete protein with all 9 essential amino acids.  Quinoa is a good source of riboflavin, iron, fiber, manganese and rich in a number of minerals and vitamins.  Naturally gluten-­free, cholesterol free and vegan.


Products include


but not limited to:



Ancient Grains  |  Beans  |  Cereals  

Dried Fruit  |  Flours  |  Grains

Pasta  |  Pulses  |  Seeds


Services include


but not limited to:



Specialty Sourcing  |  Product Testing

Logistics  |  Custom Clearance

Warehousing  |  Distribution